Thursday, June 5, 2014


Here I am, in the middle of Nevada. Headed home to California. Still sounds weird to me. Home to California.

One year ago, this week, we were heading out on the biggest adventure of our lives. Leaving Colorado was a heartbreaker. It was a difficult decision, but Doug felt confident that it was the right one. 

So, we left home. The home we built with  our own sweat and tears. The only home Luke ever knew. The home we loved. We packed up all that love and 12 years of memories, and took them with us to California. 

It leaves me contemplating the word "home".  Is home where you were raised? Is home where you lived the longest? The place you loved the most? Or is it where you currently live? I suppose it could be all of those things. 

After 2 weeks of visiting our old house, catching up with friends, taking in all the familiar views and spending time with family, I'm ready to go home. 

Home to California.

Friday, May 2, 2014


I was making Carrot Cupcakes the other day, for Luke's birthday.  Because when your 14-year-old asks for Carrot Cupcakes for everyone at your homeschool co-op, you start grating carrots.  I couldn't help but think of this scene.

Any chore that makes me think of Anne is worth doing.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

New Growth

It's Spring around here.  Big time.   Luke, Jonathan and I went out in the woods the other day, and I spotted one of my favorite signs of new life.  I just love the bright green tips!  You can see so plainly the new growth that is taking place.

I started thinking about growth and change in my own life.  Is growth evident in me? As I spend more time with His Word and in His presence, do I love Him more?  Can people see the change in me?  Am I more patient with difficult people? Do I love my husband more deeply?  Do I serve my family with more joy? Do I have more hope for the future? 

I pray that as I live my life, encountering various seasons,
that I would grow and that the growth would be evident.