1. Work hard, play hard
When it comes to work, no one puts in more effort than Sterling. He is the first to show up and the last to leave. But when it's time to play, he goes full throttle. Work or play, he's all in!
2. Laughter is the best medicine
Sterling has always been the funny one. And his sense of humor is so endearing. He's always got a joke and sees the funny side of things. It's a good way to view life.
3. Buy quality things and take care of them
Sterling has always spent his money on good quality items, from a road bike to a tent to sunglasses. I see him as an example for spending money on the things that matter. I haven't quite learned that lesson yet!
4. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength
Sterling is a godly man--he serves his fellow man, loves his wife and kids, and seeks to honor his Father with his life. After 40 years, I'd say he's doing a top-notch job!
Happy 40th Birthday, Sterling!