Saturday, April 30, 2011

My Big Brother

Things I have learned from my brother:
1. Work hard, play hard
When it comes to work, no one puts in more effort than Sterling. He is the first to show up and the last to leave. But when it's time to play, he goes full throttle. Work or play, he's all in!

2. Laughter is the best medicine
Sterling has always been the funny one. And his sense of humor is so endearing. He's always got a joke and sees the funny side of things. It's a good way to view life.

3. Buy quality things and take care of them
Sterling has always spent his money on good quality items, from a road bike to a tent to sunglasses. I see him as an example for spending money on the things that matter. I haven't quite learned that lesson yet!

4. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength
Sterling is a godly man--he serves his fellow man, loves his wife and kids, and seeks to honor his Father with his life. After 40 years, I'd say he's doing a top-notch job!

Happy 40th Birthday, Sterling!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Which came first...Easter or the Cadbury Creme Egg?

I get so annoyed when I see Christmas decorations out before Halloween. Or Valentine Hearts on sale before the end of December. Please. Let's celebrate one holiday at a time. There's plenty of time for me to buy my shamrock garland and matching tablecloth after Valentine's Day.

But there is one holiday treat I'm always happy to see. The Cadbury Creme Egg. An Easter tradition since 1923. I think. Anyway, it's been around a long time. And it's always been my favorite.

When I was about 13, a boy in my school found out about my love of the creamy confection. He gave me a paper lunch bag full of them. This kid jumped from "I hardly know you" status to "marriage material" pretty fast.

These days, I can't just peel back the foil wrapping and guiltlessly enjoy the gooey goodness like I used to. But I still let myself have one or two. I just can't resist.

So, Easter is here, and the Cadbury Creme Egg will disappear off the shelves. That's ok. Easter isn't just all about eggs and bunnies and flowers. My Savior bled and died, was buried and rose again. Just for me. And that's something worth celebrating year round.

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Pleated Poppy

So, I bought this tiny pouch for myself a few months ago. I just love it! I found it on Makes me want to go to Starbuck's just so I can pull it out and show it off!

It's the perfect size for cards and cash.
Now I just need the matching checkbook cover and zippered pouch. :) So, on The Pleated Poppy, Lindsey is hosting a Show and Tell. My post will be linked up over there. Check it out!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A letter that will never get sent...

Dear Park R-3 School District Athletic Department, Since football season is usually cold, windy and snowy, and since soccer season is usually cold, windy and snowy, I would like to make the following recommendation: tear down the old, metal bleachers and install a covered, heated stadium seating area. All the devoted parents who sit on cold, metal bleachers to watch football and soccer in cold, wind and snow would greatly appreciate it. Sincerely, (and still shivering), Amber Treat

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Signs of Spring

Ahhh...this is Spring in Estes Park. The calendar means nothing. The weather means nothing. It's not Spring until you see your first pasque flower. I saw these along the path as I was running. Since I don't carry my phone or my camera when I run, I just had to go back later and snap this photo. Welcome back, Spring. It's good to see you again.